Warm weather welcomed for Kutztown Fall Festival (2024)


Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Upper Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Upper Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM EDTWEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Heat Advisory, heat index values ranging from 98 to104 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hotconditions with heat index values ranging from 96 to 101 degreespossible.* WHERE...Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties.* WHEN...For the Heat Advisory, from 10 AM Monday to 6 AM EDTWednesday. For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morningthrough Wednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM EDTWEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Heat Advisory, heat index values ranging from 98 to104 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hotconditions with heat index values ranging from 96 to 101 degreespossible.* WHERE...Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties.* WHEN...For the Heat Advisory, from 10 AM Monday to 6 AM EDTWednesday. For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morningthrough Wednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-15T10:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Heat Advisory from MON 10:00 AM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Western Montgomery County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Western Montgomery County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 103 to 108 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 105 degrees possible.* WHERE...Portions of northern Delaware, central, northern, andsouthern New Jersey, and southeast Pennsylvania.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lower Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 103 to 108 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 105 degrees possible.* WHERE...Portions of northern Delaware, central, northern, andsouthern New Jersey, and southeast Pennsylvania.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lower Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM NOON MONDAY TO 8 PM EDTTUESDAY...* WHAT...Oppressive heat with peak heat index values of 95 to 100degrees Monday afternoon, and between 98 and 103 degrees Tuesdayafternoon.* WHERE...A portion of central Pennsylvania.* WHEN...From noon Monday to 8 PM EDT Tuesday.* IMPACTS...High temperatures and humidity may cause heat illnesses.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay out of the sun, and stay in anair-conditioned room.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-15T12:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-16T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Heat Advisory from MON 12:00 PM EDT until TUE 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Schuylkill County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY...* WHAT...Heat index values ranging from 98 to 103 degrees expected,especially across the lower elevations and valleys.* WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties.* WHEN...From 10 AM Monday to 8 PM EDT Tuesday.* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heatillnesses.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-15T10:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-16T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Heat Advisory from MON 10:00 AM EDT until TUE 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Monroe County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM EDTWEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Heat Advisory, heat index values ranging from 98 to104 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hotconditions with heat index values ranging from 96 to 101 degreespossible.* WHERE...Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties.* WHEN...For the Heat Advisory, from 10 AM Monday to 6 AM EDTWednesday. For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morningthrough Wednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY NOW IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 6 AM EDTWEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Heat Advisory, heat index values ranging from 98 to104 degrees. For the Excessive Heat Watch, dangerously hotconditions with heat index values ranging from 96 to 101 degreespossible.* WHERE...Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties.* WHEN...For the Heat Advisory, from 10 AM Monday to 6 AM EDTWednesday. For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morningthrough Wednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-15T10:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Heat Advisory from MON 10:00 AM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Hunterdon County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Hunterdon County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Northampton County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Northampton County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 10 AM MONDAY TO 8 PM EDT TUESDAY...* WHAT...Heat index values ranging from 98 to 103 degrees expected,especially across the lower elevations and valleys.* WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties.* WHEN...From 10 AM Monday to 8 PM EDT Tuesday.* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heatillnesses.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-15T10:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-16T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Heat Advisory from MON 10:00 AM EDT until TUE 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Carbon County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Berks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Berks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Watch

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Watch from WED 6:00 AM EDT until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Future

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 AM EDT WEDNESDAY......EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH NOW IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGHWEDNESDAY EVENING...* WHAT...For the Excessive Heat Warning, dangerously hot conditionswith heat index values ranging from 101 to 106 degrees. For theExcessive Heat Watch, dangerously hot conditions with heat indexvalues ranging from 100 to 104 degrees possible.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Hunterdon County. In Pennsylvania, Berks,Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, Western Chester, and WesternMontgomery Counties.* WHEN...For the Excessive Heat Warning, until 6 AM EDT Wednesday.For the Excessive Heat Watch, from Wednesday morning throughWednesday evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-14T15:03:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T06:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning from SUN 3:03 PM EDT until WED 6:00 AM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

  • Ellen Kolodziej

    Ellen Kolodziej


    • Author email
  • Updated
  • 0

KUTZTOWN, Pa. - Folks are enjoying the sunny weather in Kutztown. Main Street is closed ahead of a square dance that's taking place during the fall edition of the Folk Festival.

"It doesn't feel like October. It's almost Halloween but it doesn't feel that way," said Stella Barr during the festival set up.

"I love it! You know when you get old, you like the warm weather instead of the cold, laughs," said Kutztown resident, Doris Kutz.

The weather felt more like summer during the set up for the autumn festival.

"I've seen a lot of people walking and a lot of people hanging out," said 6th grader Carter Greenwood. "They've been enjoying the slim rare occasion."

"Yes, we're definitely happy to see the sun out and able to wear a tee shirt in Mid October," said Kutztown University student, Cole Lucas.

The fraternity guys from Kutztown University say it was the perfect weather to help set up for a square dance and gathering as part of the fall Kutztown Folk Festival.

"Especially in Pennsylvania, the winter gets pretty tough, so it's great to see the nice weather," continued Lucas.

"They should just get out and enjoy it," said Kutz. "That's what I do!"

"I love the weather, I hope it stays that way but tomorrow, I guess is going to be a little iffy, I'm not looking forward to paying the heating bills this year," Steve Renninger while in Kutztown on Friday.

The square dancing starts at 7:00 p.m. in Kutztown. Food vendors will also be on site.

Fall Fest on Main continues until the 25th.


  • Kutztown Fall Festival
  • Kutztown Folk Festival

Ellen Kolodziej


  • Author email
Right Now


  • Humidity: 84%
  • Cloud Coverage: 34%
  • Wind: 3 mph
  • UV Index: 0 Low
  • Sunrise: 05:43:44 AM
  • Sunset: 08:31:22 PM


Mainly Clear and Humid


Mainly Clear and Humid


Partly sunny skies; hot, and humid with scattered t-storms; heat index near 100 degrees.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5851

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.