TffCBSPAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 TTTff wwwAHie APVOCATE AND AMERICAN TRIBUNE PAGE SEVEN AT SCHOOL IN COLUMBUS Appleton FASHION FAVORITE then simmer gently for five minutes. Remove from fire and add Food and Cookery Discussed Daily- Social Calendar coarsely chopped hard-cooked The Women's Society of Chris eggs and parsley. Pour over loaf. tian Service will meet with Mrs.
opera lingers are really day Lola Van ossen Tnursaay aiter-noon, Oct. 2. crumbs, 1 cup chopped nuts, Mi cup melted butter. Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Overturf Cook rice in water until soft. of Newark spent Saturday night with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Over Stir in well-beaten egg. Thoroughly mix nuts, chopped parsley. turf.
laborers in the art and they, too, need three squares a day. Hilda Burke, blond American soprano with the Metropolitan, likes substantial fare and gives us a few of the recipes she and her husband, Desire Defrere, stage manager of the Met use in their own home. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin and crumbs.
to rice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees for one hour. Baste with melted butter several times. daughter Lulu Gene and Betty Lou spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Rees. Serve with an egg sauce. Mr. and Mrs.
Grover Cooper Veal stew with dumnlines and Mrs. Delia Montgomery spent Sauce Two tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, IVt (Serves 4 to 6) One pound veal cut in small cubes. 2 cups milk, 2 hard-cooked eggs, 1 Sunday afternoon witn Mrs. Frank Cooper in Granville. hot water, Vt cup diced potatoes, tablespoon parsley.
Jake Foust Mrs. Port Eder and 1 1- 1 Melt butter in saucepan, stir In cup aicea carrots, cup chopped celery, cun chopped son vereu ana ouuuie oonnson flour; when thoroughly blended add milk which has been brought onions, Vt cup limas or peas, 1 spent Sunday atternoon with Van Eder and family. to a boil. Season with salt and bay leaf, 1 can tomato sauce. lk Mr.
and Mrs. Sherman Lifer teaspoon salt pepper. Bring mixture to a boil, Dredge the meat in flour, brown in hot fat Add hot water. and daughter Dorothy were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Zella Runnels.
cook slowly one hour. Add diced Dr. and Mrs. Charles Garrett of veseiaoies ana seasomnss: con Frazeysburg were Sunday sup tinue cooking one-half hour. Add tomato sauce, brine to boil, droo per guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Mikesell and family. dumplings from spoon. Cover Mrs. Ida Houck returned to her tightly and, steam 12 to IS min lllDDJCMr MISS JEAN RIMBY left daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Rim-MftEloise Seyour, daughter of MaDta. beth Hammond, Hebron, are attending Bliss college in Co. Iambus, studying comptotnetry and secretarial work. They both were graduated from Hebron high school with the class of 1941 home in Homer after spending the past week with Mr.
and Mrs. utes. Dumplings One cun flour. Vt Yet, COAL Is king tbs (net Industry kaeaaw It Setcrrcs It, No other fuel can equal the benefits that COAL gives no other fnel gives dependability pins economy. Your best bny Is COAL.
Van Eder and daughter. teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoons bak Mrs. Edna Liggitt and son Billy THURSDAY. Jolly Ke-No club members re guests of Mrs. Carl Brooks in her home in 52 Maholm street Members of the First United Brethren church are arranging a reception for Rev.
and Mrs. A. B. Cox in the church. Mrs.
C. K. Shuman (Frances Goodfellow) is complimented by the Three-Star club with a dinner in Granville inn. FRIDAY. Members of the Y.W.C.A.
council hold the first meeting in the new Y.W.C.A. home, 56 North Second street, with Mrs. H. G. Wallace and Mrs.
B. A Showman as hostesses. Mrs. Frank Hutchison entertains the members of the Elite club in her home in West Locust street at 2 p. m.
SATURDAY. Miss Joann Schofield and Robert Forgrave exchange nuptial vows in Trinity Episcopal church. Members of the Review club are meeting in the home of Mrs. Jesse Elliott in Hudson avenue at 2:30 for the first meeting following the summer recess. The marriage of Miss Kath-erine Miller and Bernard Moats is solemnized at 8 o'clock in the Church of the Blessed Sacrament.
Officers of the Order of Rainbow Girls will be installed Saturday at 7:30 in Masonic MONDAY. Mrs. A. Fred Keck is entertaining with a bride-luncheon in her home in 33414 Hudson avenue, honoring her guest, Miss Adele Moore of Norris-town, Pa. TUESDAY.
Mrs. Stewart Sedgwick entertains the Brightening circle of The King's Daughters in her home. WEDNESDAY. Mrs. Theodore Kemp entertains the members of the '99 club in her home in North 11th street ing powder, cup milk, 2 table.
6 352 spent Monday with Mrs. Vae spoons melted butter. Stir ingredients together, gradually stir I 8033 Davis. Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Wright and in mine, add butter, and drop in A. 1 -1; E- AtThisTlmt- 10 Doiung stew a tablespoon at a Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper spent Monday evening with Mr. and time.
Mrs. Grover Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Liggitt Miss Burke has a meatless recipe that provides good protein at low cost will be welcomed by Tournament Prizes Are Awarded During Dinner At Country Club Powwow TTTEDNESDAY, the fall powwow for the Women Golfers' VV association at Moundbuilders Country club afforded a full day of entertainment for th.e members and their guests QUICK DELIVERY I PEAco*ck COAL CO.
20 EASY STREET Phone 4550 spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Mikesell. nousewives wno find the rising price of meat too much for their If this period in a woman's We makes you cranky, NERVOUS, blue at times, uffer weakness, dizziness, hot Sashes, distress of Try Lydia S. Plnkbam's Vegetable Compound made especially or women -famous for helping relieve distress due to this functional disturbance.
Taken regularly-Plnkham's Compound helps build up resistance gainst annoying symptom! due to this cause. Thousands of women report remarkable benefits! Follow label directions. WORTH TRYING I Mr. and Mrs. Tony Straub and family, Mr.
and Mrs. James Welch budgets. Rice and nut loaf (Serves and family and Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Liggitt and family to 6) One-half cup uncooked starting wim goii at spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Liggitt.
brown rice, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons chopped parsley, 1 cup soft bread WHICH IS PROPER? A dress which is thoroughly Test your knowledge of correct social usage by answering the following questions, then checking against the authoritative answers below: 1. If someone compliments a woman on a dress is it good manners for her to say "Thank you, I bought it at such-and-such a store," to let her know it is really a good dress? 2. When writing a letter should you have the letter to which you are replying at hand so you can refer to it? 3. If you wish to take an out-of-town guest to see a friend would it be thoughtful to telephone first? 4. If a guest leaves a handkerchief at your house should you return it? 5.
When you are a guest should Nashport Methodist church. Sunday scnooi at ju a. morning wor modern carries a soft drapyl bodice straight up to the throat line. It will give you a smart sophisticated air which you will enjoy no end. The waistline is smooth, too, with the wide shaped girdle set off with a narrow belt.
The skirt has two groups of gathers which give it the new looking front fulness and greater smartness as you wear it. For a graceful, smart frock which will give you poise and a great measure of modern glamour, try Pattern No. 8033. Pattern No. 8033 is in sizes 12 to 20.
Size 14, short sleeves, bias skirt, takes 4Vi yards 30-inch material. For this attractive pattern, send 15 cents in coin, your name, address, pattern number and size to Newark Advocate Pattern Service, 108 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. Interested In more styles for fall? The fashion book illustrates smart styles for every size range. Pattern, 15 cents.
Pattern book, 15 cents. One pattern and pattern book ordered together, 25 cents. The hind feet of a rabbit pass on the outside of the front feet when it is running. snip ana sermon by the pastor, Rev. R.
L. Derrick, at 11 a. m. fcpworthdeague at 7:30 p. m.
Mid week prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday at 8 p. m. Mrs. Mary Nethers and family you praise the cooking of another Luncheon and bridge followed and dinner was served at 6:30, covers being laid for 32. Mrs.
John Spencer, chairman of the organization, gave a resume of the season's activities and Mrs. William Roney, treasurer, irade her report. Prizes for the season were awarded the members. In the handicap tournament which was played during the summer, Mrs. Leslie Slaiger received the prize and Mrs.
L. G. Pratt was runner-up in the first flight Mrs. Peter B. Lilly received the first prize and Mrs.
Charles Boies was runner-up in the second flight. In the championship tourna ment, which just ended, Mrs. Louis Jeffers was the winner, with Mrs. Leslie Staiger, first flight, and Miss Margaret Babbs, who won the championship last year in the second flight, again coming in with the championship, and Mrs. George Sapp, runner-up.
Mrs. John Spencer received the prize for the low ringer score, and Mrs. Peter Lilly for the reduced handicap. Yesterday, prizes for the day were given to: Mrs. William Roney, low gross; Mrs.
Leslie Staiger, low net; Mrs. Frank Spencer, low putts; Mrs. Thomas Hite, most putts; Mrs. W. A.
Wallace, birdie; Mrs. R. L. Morin, most strokes on par three holes; Mrs. W.
J. Fitz-gibbon, least strokes par four holes; Mrs L. G. Pratt, least itrokes par five holes; Mrs. Charles Boies, most strokes par five holes; Mrs.
J. F. McDamel, most sixes; Mrs. Howard Welsh, most eights, and Mrs. C.
W. Cooper, most sevens. The guest prize went to Mrs. Edward Hukill. Bridge prizes were awarded to Mrs.
Howard Welsh and guest prize to Mrs. Fred Foster. Nuts In Salad. Sliced Brazils in salmon, cashews in tuna and almond in chicken salads are interesting visuea mends in Marietta Sun day. Circle No.
1 of the Women's So woman and not mention the food the hostess has served you? What would you do if You borrow some small thing, like a cup of sugar, from a neighbor ciety of Christian Service of the Methodist church met Friday aft ernoon witn Mrs. Bert Kagor. MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 37c Holy Communion will be observed Sunday, Oct. 5, at the We're not crying "Wolf" when we tell you that we've bought heavily In anticipation of increased costs. We bought to protect ourselves at well as our customers.
Take a leaf from our book I Be wise and beat any price rise by stocking up with a variety of quality foods during our FALL FOOD FESTIVAL it's the sale of the season, featuring Nature's greatest food values. MARVEL PURE .2 lb. ROYAL ww in Methodist church at 11 a. m. Rev, Bustler, district superintendent, will be present and will preach (a) Consider it too small to bother about returning? (b) Return it promptly? ANSWERS.
1. No. 2. Yes. Otherwise you may not completely answer it.
3. Yes. As the friend might lor DESSERTS at mis service. fp SOUP BEANS 3 lbs. TEN-B-LOW For, Ice Crtam tin COFFEE Mild, SLIGHTLY USED BABY GRAND I9c 25c 49c 73c I Mosart Fancy White or Yellow aMr)lnw 3 pound btg want to change clothes before meeting a stranger.
4. Yes. 5. No. Best "What Would You Do" solution (b).
Whole Grain or Cut. Finest Ohio conn FLOUR PIANO Now Vz Price! FINE CONDITION TERMS Choose Where You See The Leading Makes Steinway Kimball Everett Musette Roman Gold Choice California 3 Granville Bt large sark CORN HI MEAL 31b. bis HI VAN CAMP PUMPKIN. ...2 large can Easy Meal. IQcl 19c 1 T1 IT VCin Heavy Syrup.
Dsn 12 II Large 2', Cans cans HEINZ SOUPS 25c Tomatoes stuffed with sea-; soned hamburger and baked 30 minutes in a moderate oven make a substantial main dish for luncheon, supper or dinner. They i take little preparation and are-considerate of the budget. wt 2 cant WILLIAMS MUSIC STORE 66 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 4344 2s3Q J2.39 Fancy Del Monte Sliced or Crushed MORRELL'S E-Z SERVE CANNED MEATS JJ- Larre No.
Cans 12 UUIt UUVl PINEAPPLE AH .12 os. cam EES Sensational! Say Women Everywhere of this Thrilling CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup 12 iot 85c SCOTT COUNTY New Procter Gamble Soap! Tomato Juice 2. 29c Texsun 2 t29c Corn 12? 93c 12S3e Tomatoes 12 S8c Kraut 6 M. 49c Heinz Deans 4 49c Heinz K'tchup 2 MIXED Vegetables 325c NCT CUTS and TIPS OF Asparagus 4 pe 49c CORNED Deef Hash 2. 25c 15 and lie VALCES ALL VARIETIES OF PRODUCE Crubro Jelly 6 for 79c PecaSSr.
12 cn, $1.49 Potatoes. gj No. I grade pk, 23o Egg Plant, large lOe jj Jersey 4 lbs. I9e Cranberries Eatmore lb. I9e Cabbage, 3 lbs.
lOe jj FANCY TOKAY jj 1 (SESilPEG 1 Think oft leading FLAV-O-RITE STEER BEEF STAR Top Quality WASHING H3 os! lb. Granulat COLORS Klngan's Reliable, Tenderized Pure All-Pork, Fresh Peaches, 4 lbs. 25c Plums, Idaho Prune 4 lbs. 25o Apples, Grimes Golden, if 5 lbs. 19c Bananas 4 lbs.
25c Oranges, Sunklit. 29c II SAUSAGE Gets Clothes Whiter and Brighter-with Extra Safety! Lean, Meaty Soft Rib DOUG DEEF 1 3 Miiniuuiuiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitimnufiniiimiiniiiiir til This new Chipso actually gets your white wash up to 11 tintometer shades whiter than do 7 other popular washday soaps against which we tested it has the power to soak dirt loose in just ten minutes. Yet it'll tafer than any of those 3 leading granulated loapsl Try this new soap everybody's raving about! Get new Condensed Chipso flakes from your dealer today. If you aren't just as enthusiastic as the thousands who now use it, your dealer will refund your money. Word of this new wonder soap has spread like wildfire! Everywhere women are witching to this new Chipso.
For it's now in condensed form. They're delighted with this soap that combines tremendous wsshing power with extra tajetyl Yes-thls wonderful new Chipso brings you all the wsshing power of the 3 best-known granulated soaps-all their powsr to get clothes whiter and brighter-yet it's safer for colors and hands. mm.