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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (21)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (22)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-5:44 AM
By: scorechaser(Member)


A lot of horror movies around the time, it seems...

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (27)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-12:24 PM
By: Greg Bryant(Member)

I seem to remember it as one of the more interesting years, with Holloywood making several big-budget movies that I would consider deliciously subversive:

Three Kings
Fight Club
American Beauty

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (33)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-1:22 PM
By: LeHah(Member)

I never understood the love of American Beauty. It was Fight Club without any teeth.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (38)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (39)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-2:23 PM
By: Holly(Member)

Wow! I forgot Star Wars: The Phantom Menance had been released that year.

I think my favourite film from that year was Run Lola Run. I wonder what the score is like...hmmmm.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (44)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (45)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-2:26 PM
By: scorechaser(Member)

Wow! I forgot Star Wars: The Phantom Menance had been released that year.

I think my favourite film from that year was Run Lola Run. I wonder what the score is like...hmmmm.

The score is very technobased and has a, shal I say, "swirling" quality too it. It is very hypnotic. It is quiet good actually. I think the score is rather easy aviable.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (50)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-2:35 PM
By: Michael24(Member)

I lovingly refer to 1999 as "The Year of The Mummy." FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (51) Not since Jurassic Park had I become that obsessed with a film, and saw it a record six times in the theater. I kept going back and taking friends to see it because I just couldn't get enough.

I believe that was also one of the last years I went to the movies on a regular basis. It seems I've seen less and less each year since then. My family and I moved in 1999, and the closest theater is in town about 25 minutes away, so I don't get there as often now since you have to drive through a bunch of country backroads and stuff.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (57)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-4:46 PM
By: Stefan Miklos(Member)

I remember watching these films:

"True Crime"
"Sleepy Hollow"
"Eyes Wide Shut"
"American Beauty"
"Bring Out the Dead"

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (61)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (62)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (63)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-6:39 PM
By: LeHah(Member)

Wow! I forgot Star Wars: The Phantom Menance had been released that year.

I feel old now. I skipped my Senior Prom to see The Phantom Menace. Again.

Then we went back and did donuts on the school's front lawn while people arrived for post-prom. I wish I was as daring these days.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (69)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-7:51 PM
By: Holly(Member)

Wow! I forgot Star Wars: The Phantom Menance had been released that year.

I feel old now. I skipped my Senior Prom to see The Phantom Menace. Again.

Then we went back and did donuts on the school's front lawn while people arrived for post-prom. I wish I was as daring these days.

You feel old! I was 25 when The Phantom Menace was released (O_O)

And I would have *definitely* skipped my senior prom to see Phantom. I played "dodge the date" all evening...not fun at all!

**Scorechaser: thank you for the scoops in re: to the Run Lola Run score. I will be checking it out d^_^b

EDIT: I was 25 not 24 - my memory is trying to serve in my favour FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (70)

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (75)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (76)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-8:49 PM
By: Josh(Member)

Here's a list of all the films I've seen that were released in 1999:

Office Space
Ravenous *
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace *
Buena Vista Social Club
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me *
Run Lola Run
The Blair Witch Project *
The Sixth Sense *
American Beauty
Fight Club
Being John Malkovich *
American Movie
Sleepy Hollow *
The Talented Mr. Ripley *
Galaxy Quest

* saw it in the theater

If I had to pick one favorite from that list, I'd go with The Blair Witch Project, for no other reason than because it scared the living crap out of me (I saw it on opening day with no previous knowledge of what it was going to be about, ignored all pretenses, and just let it take me along for the ride). It's interesting that I've never had any desire to see it again, though, as doing so would diminish the impact of the original experience, which I prefer to remain intact.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (81)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (82)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-8:55 PM
By: Holly(Member)

Here's a list of all the films I've seen that were released in 1999:

Ravenous *

Holy Hole in a Doughnut, Batman! I forgot about RAVENOUS!!

One of my favourites of 1999 d^_^b

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (88)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-9:59 PM
By: Michael24(Member)

Okay, what the heck. Here's the 1999-released movies I've seen, and my overall like/dislike.

(Bold = saw in the theater.)

* Payback (disliked)
* 8MM (liked)
* Wing Commander (liked)
* Ravenous (disliked)
* EDtv (liked)
* The Matrix (disliked)
* Entrapment (disliked)
* The Mummy (liked)
* Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (disliked)
* The Thirteenth Floor (liked)
* Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (disliked)
* The General's Daughter (liked)
* Lake Placid (disliked)
* The Blair Witch Project (liked)
* Inspector Gadget (disliked)
* Deep Blue Sea (liked)
* The Sixth Sense (disliked)
* The Thomas Crown Affair (disliked)
* Bowfinger (liked)
* The 13th Warrior (disliked)
* Stir of Echoes (liked)
* Blue Streak (liked)
* Double Jeopardy (liked)
* Three Kings (disliked)
* Bats (liked)
* The World Is Not Enough (disliked)
* Sleepy Hollow (liked)
* End of Days (liked)
* Galaxy Quest (liked)

If I had to pick one favorite from that list, I'd go with The Blair Witch Project, for no other reason than because it scared the living crap out of me (I saw it on opening day with no previous knowledge of what it was going to be about, ignored all pretenses, and just let it take me along for the ride). It's interesting that I've never had any desire to see it again, though, as doing so would diminish the impact of the original experience, which I prefer to remain intact.

I agree. I saw it opening day with about 2-3 other people in the other theater but was in the very back myself, and I was surprised by how effective it was. Scared the bejeezus out of me. Oddly enough, the next few times I tried to watch it on home video, I was never able to finish it.

Holy Hole in a Doughnut, Batman! I forgot about RAVENOUS!!

One of my favourites of 1999 d^_^b

FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (89)

That was one of the strangest movies I've ever seen in my life. FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (90)

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (96)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-10:16 PM
By: PhiladelphiaSon(Member)

My favorite film of 1999 (the 90s) is The Mummy.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (102)Posted:Dec 28, 2008-10:29 PM
By: Holly(Member)

FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (103)

That was one of the strangest movies I've ever seen in my life. FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (104)

It was a CRAZY film, no doubt. No way possible to place yourself in one of the character's shoes...at least IMO.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (108)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (109)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-10:05 AM
By: Thor(Member)

I thought THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was severely overrated. Except for a scene towards the very end, it didn't scare me. Compared with something like THE GRUDGE, which scared me out of my pants and almost away from horror movies ever since, it doesn't come close.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (114)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-11:08 AM
By: Morlock1(Member)


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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (119)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (120)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-11:12 AM
By: LeHah(Member)

I thought another phenominal movie - A Simple Plan - was from 1999 too but maybe that was just the year I *saw* it.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (125)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-11:43 AM
By: Morlock1(Member)

It was released in 1998 (I didn't see it until about 2004). It is one HELL of a movie.

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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (129)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (130)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-12:40 PM
By: Alex Cremers(Member)

I thought THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was severely overrated. Except for a scene towards the very end, it didn't scare me.

I agree entirely. I had to wait untill the very last scene before I was scared and then the movie stopped.


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FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (134)
FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (135)Posted:Dec 29, 2008-9:41 PM
By: franz_conrad(Member)

FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (136)

That was one of the strangest movies I've ever seen in my life. FSM Board: Ten Years Ago: The Movies of 1999 (137)

It was a CRAZY film, no doubt. No way possible to place yourself in one of the character's shoes...at least IMO.

An incredibly strange and different movie. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, just to see if it's as strange as I remember!

I remember 1999 for EYES WIDE SHUT, FIGHT CLUB and THE INSIDER in particular. It was also the year I saw THE THIN RED LINE five times at the cinema, since that film only came out in Australia in Feb '99.

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